November 14, 2019 |
The global market is multilingual, so businesses that want to capture the attention of broader audiences need to learn how to communicate in multiple languages. Whether they open new plants internationally or simply sell in global markets, companies need to integrate translation services to maintain communication efficiency.
Without a language service provider to rely on, it can become expensive for companies to build international relationships. Hiring in-house multilingual experts may work when you limit your interaction to one or two foreign languages. But, when you scale up, you need a reliable partner to keep up with the languages that employees and customers speak.
Here are five reasons businesses need to keep using translation services in 2020.
Translation services help you to keep the same communication standards with clients, regardless of their native languages or physical location. The people in your home town and the ones living on the other side of the world get the same excellent customer experience.
When you translate your content and localize it for local audiences, you show your clients that you care about how they interact with your brand. It’s a form of respect and appreciation that helps you with your positioning in the market, besides being an excellent way of reinforcing your international reputation.
When professional translators take care of your content, you deliver a consistent message across multiple markets. This is helpful when you’re looking to boost credibility and open up new markets.
It highlights your attention to detail, professionalism, willingness to comply with local regulations and industry standards, and even your flexibility in working with new cultures.
Language management in multinational companies is an essential element for growth. English is often the common corporate language that all employees are expected to speak during meetings and calls.
However, a flexible policy supported by translation services can facilitate understanding, encourage responses, and redefine decision-making in the company.
When employees have critical information available both in the corporate and native language, they’re more likely to make better decisions, as they completely understand the details discussed with the team.
It becomes easier to reach business goals when employees don’t have to worry about having misunderstood information included in emails or reports.
Moreover, the possibility to communicate in multiple languages balances forces inside multinational teams. That’s because when a specific language is set as the corporate language, native speakers have a significant advantage over non-native speakers, who might feel under pressure every time they need to share an opinion.
Google Translate (and machine translation in general) is an excellent tool when you’re in a hurry and need to make an idea about what’s written in a document. However, it’s not reliable for businesses, and Google itself confirms the limitations of its software.
If you have to translate your documents in more languages to facilitate communication in multinational teams or prepare marketing content for global markets, you can’t rely on software alone. Organizations need human translation to overcome language and cultural barriers in multinational business environments.
Translation services eliminate the need for guesswork and inaccurate means of communication. All your documentation gets translated with care by professional language experts who understand the nature of your activity and can also guarantee confidentiality during the process.
A few years ago, it was a common practice for multinational companies to hire bilinguals to counter language barriers. Between 2010 and 2015, US companies more than doubled the demand for bilinguals across all industries. While bilinguals are a valuable resource across all departments, they shouldn’t be required to translate documentation and business content.
It may seem a smart way to cut corners, but it puts extra pressure on employees who find themselves with a responsibility on their shoulders for which they might lack the skills. Translation abilities are something you learn and develop with practice, so people aren’t born translators.
Translators follow specific rules, have documented working processes in place to ensure quality, and often rely on CAT tools to make their job easier. Just because you have bilingual employees doesn’t mean they’re qualified for the job, nor they have the meanings to deliver the results you expect.
Asking bilingual employees to do work outside their qualifications could become a weight for them to carry. They often lack the cultural insights and writing skills necessary for this job. It’s unfair and counterproductive for both you as a brand and your employees.
Companies have to comply with a series of regulations and laws to be able to operate or sell in local markets. Among these legal details, transparency, disclosure rules, and the availability of product information in local languages are almost always a must regardless of the industry.
If you want to consolidate your presence in any local market, you’ll have to handle tons of legal documents translated in various languages and then legalized according to the local laws. It’s hard work that involves bureaucracy and requires the skills of an expert (or a team of experts).
Professional translation services help you to comply with all local laws, every time you make your entrance in a new market. Not only does a reliable partner prepare your documentation to meet the local requirements, but it also has tight controls in place to protect your confidential data from third-parties.
As more companies become global players, the way you communicate with international business partners, employees, and customers will help you differentiate your brand. Without professional translation services, you risk losing the connection with the people that matter to your business.
Without effective communication in languages that make your partners comfortable with doing business with you, you could miss out on significant opportunities.
Translation services help you provide, among other advantages, excellent customer experience worldwide, improve internal communication, implement more effective marketing campaigns, and comply with local and international laws.