July 21, 2021 |
With the growing importance of continuing education in the translation field as new technologies and working realities emerge, Clear Words Translations was thrilled to extend our support to one of the largest international industry conferences in Latin America, ABRATES.
Taking place over three action-packed days in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July 9 to 11, this year’s event covered the most salient issues surrounding our industry today from key skills that translation professionals need to diversity and neutral language. ABRATES’ 11th International Translation and Interpreting Conference was thought out purposely to reflect our new reality and was held online to ensure the safety of all participants.
With world-class speakers sharing their invaluable knowledge and insights, the conference served to highlight the possibility of high-quality remote communication–and what it means to us, as translation professionals.
Of course, as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of the world in ways previously unimaginable, we’ve all had to look for ways to adapt to survive. With most office jobs transitioning to remote work, linguists and translators have had to work 100% remotely, learning to upskill, incorporate new technologies into their working regimes, and learn how to stand out to acquire more clients.
The ABRATES conference paid particular attention to this new dynamic, highlighting how the shift in communications can make the translation profession even more relevant. And while we do hope that next year, the event can physically unite participants from all over the globe, being held online made it accessible to a wider range of guests.
Ticket prices were reduced to reflect everyone’s new reality and there was so much invaluable information for industry professionals, from how to structure a contract with a client to how to keep your physical and mental wellbeing in optimum condition so as not to burn out how to maintain a separation between your professional and personal life.
With so much rich and relevant content, the ABRATES conference was a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs wishing to grow their businesses–and for those simply interested in learning more about this fascinating industry.
Clear Words Translations took an active part in the conference as a sponsor and found it an enjoyable and educational experience. We value our relationships with experts and partners in the industry and hope for a long and fruitful one with ABRATES.
If you missed the conference, you can find out more about it by visiting their website here. Be sure to keep an eye out for other interesting conferences to come, and don’t miss the 12th ABRATES event which will be held in 2023.
Attending industry conferences (whether online or in-person) is an excellent way to keep your skills sharp, network, learn new and important information, and grow your business or career as a translator, interpreter, or other industry professional. However, when you’re not seeking out this type of event, it’s important that you work on continuing your education throughout your career.
Now, more than ever, as clients demand experience with different tools and software, it’s the perfect time to take classes online. So, don’t forget to visit our Talentum360 platform and sign up for the courses that interest you. The more you can offer your clients in this growing, thriving yet competitive industry the better!
We’re dedicated to growing this space for everyone invested in it and hope that you enjoy the courses we have on offer. If there is anything you would like to see, be sure to drop an email to George Dias at gdiascoord@talentum360.com and we’ll take all your feedback on board. Let’s move forward together this year.