September 6, 2021 | News
Clear Words Translations is excited to announce that this Thursday, September 9 at 19:00 (GMT-3), we will be hosting a webinar on the ABRATES platform. As we move into an era increasingly dominated by technology, we will be discussing the importance of embracing change and utilizing the right tools for quality assurance (QA) in your translations. Be sure to check it out by signing up to this link.
Our very own in-house Linguist and LQA Jan Tomanik, who has 10 years of experience working in quality assurance for clients, will be leading the webinar. As a long-time member of the Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters (ABRATES), we’re proud to help this key Latin American non-profit organization further its mission by providing valuable insights and education, courses, and webinars to help translators, interpreters, and other industry professionals improve their work.
As a translation agency ourselves, we provide all types of content from medical and legal translation to video game localization and remote interpreting. With decades of experience in the industry, we can share rich and sector-specific experience with all participants on the importance of QA.
We can also candidly discuss the challenges and opportunities that QA brings, as well as give some tips and tricks on getting it right. After all, we’ve worked with multiple clients in varying industries with differing needs, and we’ve developed streamlined processes to ensure that we deliver them the very best.
In this entertaining webinar on the ABRATES platform, we’ll go over some of the difficulties of implementing quality assurance into your translations, how to ensure compliance with standard grammar rules as well as regional norms, and which tools you can use to help you raise your game. We’ll also talk about the amount of time you should be dedicating to QA, and cover the error revision process, so as to optimize the time spent.
During the webinar, we’ll take a deeper dive into the differences between quality assurance and quality assessment–and why it matters. This includes the types of people and areas both these different activities target and the tools and skills they require.
Many translators, interpreters, and translation agencies are resistant to using technology to improve their processes. However, with good QA, you can automate processes, reduce costs, improve quality, and offer better translations. QA is one of the most valuable tools in your kit, and you should understand how to use it well.
When done right, automated QA allows you to speed up turnaround times, improve productivity and profit margins, and deliver exceptional work. You can also select the type of tool you need in accordance with your clients’ needs and budget, you can identify errors that could otherwise be missed by the human eye, and easily evaluate the work of a translator with far reduced cost and time. QA isn’t just important to a translation agency–it’s absolutely essential, especially moving forward.
During the ABRATES webinar, we will also go into depth about the pros and cons of specific tools including cloud-based tools and well-known QA tools like Xbench, Verifika, and TQ Auditor. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and find out which tool or variety of QA tools is right for you.
We will also take a peek into the future of translation and the possible direction the industry may be heading as technology improves and machine learning becomes more sophisticated. We’ll be spending some time talking about machine learning and big data–and how translation agencies can incorporate technology like this to advance and thrive rather than be made redundant.
We will wrap up by sharing some common errors when integrating QA and some important metrics to help you on your journey. We’ll also impart plenty of tips and tricks that will allow your professionalism, quality, and care to shine through your work. We’ll end by taking questions from participants and pointing you to places to find further resources.
We’re thrilled to be able to work so closely with an organization like ABRATES that shares in our philosophy of continuing education. Through this important webinar, we will be able to reach many industry professionals around the world and help them to advance in their careers. Don’t miss this exciting and important presentation by Clear Words Translations and look out for many more to come!