marketing translation

Why Cultural Insights Are Essential to Marketing Translation 

März 7, 2020

Global brands need to take customers’ values and diverse cultures into account when pushing marketing campaigns in front of international audiences. Otherwise, marketing translation could fail to draw emotions and trigger the required action.  The cu …

video translation

Top 7 Best Practices For Video Translation 

Februar 25, 2020

Are you planning to use video content to capture and retain the attention of an international audience? Then, you’ll have to integrate video translation services into your workflow, as well. The only thing better than video content is a localized vid …

translation trends

How Globalization Influences Translation Trends and the Language Industry 

Februar 18, 2020

Translators and language services providers have been making communication possible at global levels for thousands of years. However, it’s only in the last few decades that the industry has boomed into what it is today. Today, translation trends go h …

translation conferences

7 Things to Do After Attending Translation Conferences

Februar 12, 2020

Translation conferences and other industry events are essential for your networking strategy. However, participation isn’t enough to ensure success. What you do when you get home can equally influence your growth as a translator.  Indeed, the first w …

localization myths

5 Localization Myths You Shouldn’t Believe 

Februar 5, 2020

Localization myths keep businesses from reaching their potential in international markets. Most of these folk tales are based on a lack of information and the still prevalent misbelief that languages don’t influence business.  Marketers and business …

Translation matters to non-profit organizations

Why Translation Matters to Non-Profit Organizations 

Januar 30, 2020

How charities and similar organizations choose to communicate with the world has a direct impact on their results. In this sector, multiculturalism and multilingualism are essential elements, so translation matters for non-profit organizations.  Whet …

localization resolutions

Top 7 Localization Resolutions for 2020 

Januar 23, 2020

New year, new translation and localization projects. If you have expansion plans for 2020, it’s time to think seriously about a strategy. You can start by analyzing what’s worked well in the past and identifying which elements to adjust for improved …

Translation in B2B marketing

5 Ways to Get Your Business Translation-Ready

Januar 16, 2020

A company with global reach should consider translation a regular part of its operations. That’s because when you start building multinational relationships, translations are no longer a one-off necessity, but a recurring job. So, getting your busine …

translators and interpreters

5 Ways Translators and Interpreters Change the World Every Day 

Januar 9, 2020

Myths, cliches, and urban legends about translators and interpreters make it hard for people in the language industry to explain the nature of their work. Language experts are often seen as walking dictionaries, obsessed with punctuation and grammar, …

working with an interpreter

Top 9 Guidelines for Working with an Interpreter

Dezember 31, 2019

Are you planning an event that requires the presence of an interpreter but have no idea where to start? There’s an etiquette that comes with working with an interpreter that will not only smooth conversations but also make your guests feel more at ea …